My philosophy and how I help you
Selling is crucial to the success of your organization. And yet, there is this perception that it is an innate ability. The sales people are recruited, trained in the product and launched to conquer your income. With a CRM, enthusiasm and a few “sales techniques” as the key to success to help them succeed.
It is quite otherwise. Selling is an activity that relies on many counter-intuitive concepts. The success of your salespeople, and therefore of your company, is based on 5 fundamental pillars. Their ability to control their process, their curiosity to understand the context of their prospects, their ability to communicate effectively to question their prospects, the constancy for continuous improvement and their courage to go beyond their limits and the limiting beliefs they have in head.
Moreover, the implementation of these 5 fundamental pillars, beyond sales techniques, which are important but not sufficient, is not a process that happens at the moment T but that takes place over time. Two key sayings: “Chase the natural, it comes back at a gallop”. And “One hundred times on the loom, put back your work”.
Business Analytics Services
Coaching Services
Pipeline & Deal Level Coaching
Methodology Certifications
Miller-Heiman Coaching Suite
Sales Opportunity Snapshot (SOS)
Technology Services
Opportunity & Pipeline Management